About Us
Soft Power Education (SPE) is a British registered charity and Ugandan NGO, which has been working in the Jinja District of Uganda since 1999. Our mission is “To improve the quality of life through education.”
Our dedicated team in Uganda focus on three key areas
- Alternative Education – we offer high-quality, free of charge, pre-school education to 180 of the most disadvantaged children from the communities of Buwenda and Kyabirwa. We support over 150 families with children with special needs through therapy and educational support.
- School Infrastructure Development – we ensure that children are learning in safe and inspiring learning environments through infrastructure upgrades.
- Livelihoods – we empower communities through inclusive and diverse educational initiatives and increase opportunities to be engaged in practical, sustainable intervention
We are a small, grassroots organisation dependent on the generosity of thousands of supporters across the world.

We are only able to support the families and children in our programmes thanks to people like you! We are currently redesigning our website and so this is our temporary holding page. Please do send us an email if you would like any further information about our work in Uganda or how you can support us.

Mama Darren shares her story….
Mama Darren has been bringing her son to the SPE therapy clinics. When asked about our services she said, “without the knowledge that I have learnt about Darren’s disability from the SPE therapists, I would have lost hope. Now I feel like I can support other Mamas with children like mine! The SPE team continued to support me throughout the COVID-19 lockdown with home therapy sessions and food packages. The whole team is so caring and they did not forget about us. I was so grateful for that support.”
We are dependent on the generosity of people, like yourself, supporting us. Please click on the donate button to make a donation and help us support hundreds of disadvantaged children in Uganda.
Volunteer with us
We offer a range of volunteering opportunities. We are currently interested in hearing from teachers to support the work in our pre-schools and those working within the field of special needs (Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, SEN Teacher). Please email us to learn more!
Share in your community
Want to hear more about our work? Sign up to our mailing list by clicking here We are very active on social media! Please head over to Facebook and Instagram to take a look at what is happening in Uganda, right now! You can help us to reach new supporters by sharing our posts!

Special Educational Needs Programme
Our Special Education Needs Programme (SEN) works with over 100 families with children living with special needs. We provide free of charge therapy services across four clinic locations in Jinja. We aim to ensure children living with disabilities and their families have an improved quality of life through education, therapy and community sensitisation services. Our residential unit at Kyomya Primary School provides a safe living environment for 24 children who would otherwise be unable to access daily education. To find out more about our SEN Programme please email us.

Pre-Schools Programme
Our two pre-schools, Kyabirwa Children’s Centre and Buwenda Pre-School, welcome 180 children from the ages of 4-6 years from some of the most disadvantaged families in our communities. We provide three years of high quality learning, free of charge, ensuring that children have a strong foundation in their education. Our six Ugandan teachers are passionate about our pre-schools being interactive and that our children learn through having fun! To find out more about our pre-schools please email us.